Laserveredelung - Material (Englisch)

Material Diversity
Laser Processing

Materials for Your Ideas

Natural Materials, Papers, Textiles, or Plastics

Various materials are excellently suited for processing with the laser. Your creative ideas and the diversity of materials are virtually limitless.

We have achieved excellent results in laser processing with the following materials:


Please note:
It is not always predictable how the material will react under the laser beam - original effects and interesting color combinations may occur, but undesired results are also possible.

To ensure that your product precisely meets your expectations, we always recommend conducting a material test beforehand.

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Stigler GmbH
Überrheinerstraße 5
(Entry via Merowingerstr. 15)
85551 Kirchheim b. München
+49 89 958 935 72-0
+49 89 958 935 72-53
Stigler C2A

Learn more about the possibilities of laser refinement.

Laser Refinement
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